Where is Just Trains moving to and when?

We are currently searching and evaluating locations in the Concord and Martinez area. We don't have a location yet when we do it will be announced.

The current location will close this summer, our current lease expires June 30th We have the option to extend beyond that month to month, for a short period at 200% current rent, when we know the closing date for the location we will publish it.

Will there be a period without a Just Trains store?

Moving a store involves significant resources of time and capital. While our ownership change has been planned for the past two years, moving the store was not. Our intent was for the store to continue in the existing location. As a result of being unable to obtain favorable lease arrangements, we are now scrambling to get things defined and in place for a move to a new location. There will be a period of time, where Just Trains will have an online, e-commerce presence only. 

Will the new location have a store layout where I can run my trains?

We can never say never, but the new location will most likely have only a small test layout. There are many fine model railroad clubs in the Bay Area that have openings for new members, you can see more information about them on our Club link page

What about my consignment items?

Consignees are being contacted about the change in ownership, and being asked if they would like to continue their consignment under the new ownership. At the change of ownership, consignment accounts will be paid out for any accrued sales activity using the selected payment method. Post ownership change, consignment payments for sales will be paid by the new ownership. 

I have a Just Trains Gift Certificate, is it still valid?

Yes. Just Trains gift certificates do not expire and remain valid. In preparation for a new accounting system and the transition to new ownership we have temporarily suspended sales of new certificates. 

What about the items I have on Pre-Order?

All of our supplier relationships remain in place and existing pre-orders are still valid. When the pre-order is shipped, customers will be contacted for pick up.

Will there be a Just Trains Open House in October?

The model railroading community is like family to us., we have enjoyed hosting the open house every year and seeing old friends. With the store relocation, there won't be time to organize the open house for 2024. We hope it will return in the future.